These bulk pipes will bubble to the top of your customers’ wishlists and it won’t take a Sherlock to figure out why: they’re glass-y. The hammers hit the nail on the head and the wholesale nectar collectors also seem to collect a large following of fans. Color changing, fumed, frit, anything that can be done to glass is done here.

SF Bubbler W/P – CL1054

Item Number: 6931

Stratus Silicone Bubbler

Item Number: 5019

Fancy Artistic Bubbler

Item Number: 4791

Scorpion Hand Pipe

Item Number: 4788

Silicone Bubbler

Item Number: 4453

Fancy 3 Chamber Bubbler

Item Number: 3430

These bulk pipes will bubble to the top of your customers’ wishlists and it won’t take a Sherlock to figure out why: they’re glass-y. The hammers hit the nail on the head and the wholesale nectar collectors also seem to collect a large following of fans. Color changing, fumed, frit, anything that can be done to glass is done here.